Tesla 将和 Toyota合作开发电动版RAV 4, 预计2012在美国上市 

分享 收藏 已有 590 次阅读  2010-07-19 12:59   标签Tesla  RAV  美国  Toyota  电动 
Tesla Motors and Toyota Motor Corporation have signed an agreement to initiate the development of an electric version of the RAV4 (Recreational Active Vehicle with 4-wheel drive). (Earlier post.) With an aim to market the EV in the United States in 2012, prototypes will be made combining the Toyota RAV4 model with a Tesla electric powertrain.
RAV 4是丰田一款有多年历史的电动“老车”,这次将脱胎换骨采用Tesla的电传动系统。
下面是第一代RAV 4的电力系统图
288V, 26kWh的镍氢电池包驱动,续航里程80英里。

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