江森自控同萨福特公司结束电池事业合作关系 7

分享 收藏 已有 904 次阅读  2011-05-20 08:46   标签福特公司  电池 

Johnson Controls-Saft li-ion battery


奔驰S400-Hybrid的电池即由该公司提供,但是,日前,令人吃惊的消息传来,JohnsonControl要同Saft结束电池事业合作关系。根据JC的PowerSolution部门负责人Alex Molinaroli的说法:


  Johnson Controls and Saft have a fundamental disagreement about the future direction and appropriate scope of the joint venture. The industry is evolving rapidly and the investments needed to achieve market leadership require us to do more than the joint venture has done or can do. (江森自控同萨福特公司在对未来的基本看法上出现了分歧,公司需要应对快速变化的市场和投资需求,这超出了目前合资公司的能力)

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